Bunny Racket (feat. Robby Krieger)
Stagger Lee
Rock'n'roll Animals — 2020

Yet another completely weird journey this song takes.
Bunny Racket, a rock band known for creating family-friendly music, offers a unique rendition of "Stagger Lee" on their 2020 album Rock'n'roll Animals.
This version features the legendary guitarist Robby Krieger of The Doors, adding a distinctive flair to the classic folk song.
Their interpretation is designed to be kid-friendly, making the traditional tale accessible to younger audiences.
Stagger Lee
Way back in Teddy Town when times were tough He had one eye missing, he was full of fluff Stagger Lee He was the meanest teddy bear in all the land He had the biggest pot of honey in his red right hand Stagger Lee One day he walked out the door, he walked down the stairs He walked up the road to the Teddy Bear Fair Stagger Lee All the teddy bears were there but he did not care He held on to his honey and he would not share Stagger Lee He said 'My name is Stagger Lee and honey's what I've got But I'm not gonna share whats in my pot I'm Stagger Lee So all the teddy's turned their backs and the walked away The teddy dance was due to start so they all said 'YAY' But not Stagger Lee He watched all the bears in pairs as they sang and danced Then he saw a pretty teddy so he thought that he'd take a chance Stagger Lee He said 'My name is Stagger Lee and as you see I'm free So pretty little teddy would you dance with me? I'm Stagger Lee She said 'Stagger Lee you're so mean and you're selfish too But give me some honey and I'll dance with you Stagger Lee So they danced into the night and honey's what she got He gave her every drop of honey in his pot Yeah, Stagger Lee Now all the teddy bears they say Stagger Lee's ok He's been a nicer teddy since that very day Yeah Stagger Lee Dance